IGLYO — The International LGBTQI Youth & Student Organisation is the world's largest network dedicated to LGBTQI young people and their rights. They represent the voice of over 125 Member Organisations in over 40 countries across the European region. IGLYO advances the rights of LGBTQI young people, fights for their equality and inclusion, empowers their voices, and connects them across borders through international events, capacity-building training, thematic research, advocacy, awareness-raising campaigns, network building, regranting, and intersectional community dialogues.
iglyo.org@companyFELGTBI+ (The Spanish LGTBI+ Federation) is the largest LGTBI+ organization in Spain, made up of more than 50 LGTBI+ organisations from all over the country. FELGTBI+ is the main promoter of LGTBI+ rights in this country and it is an advisory member of the ECOSOC since 2009. Together with one of its member organisations, COGAM, it organises in Madrid the largest Pride demonstration in Europe, which annually gathers more than one million people to continue demanding real and effective equality for LGTBI+ people and their families.
coe.int/en/web/sogi@companyFELGTBI+ (The Spanish LGTBI+ Federation) is the largest LGTBI+ organization in Spain, made up of more than 50 LGTBI+ organisations from all over the country. FELGTBI+ is the main promoter of LGTBI+ rights in this country and it is an advisory member of the ECOSOC since 2009. Together with one of its member organisations, COGAM, it organises in Madrid the largest Pride demonstration in Europe, which annually gathers more than one million people to continue demanding real and effective equality for LGTBI+ people and their families.
felgtbi.org@companyThe Department of Social Psychology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona coordinates undergraduate teaching activities in different faculties of the UAB, delivers the Master in Psychosocial Research and Intervention and leads the PhD program Person and Society in the Contemporary World. It also develops lines of research for the psychosocial understanding of public action and public policy issues, science and technology studies and phenomena related to power, subjectivity and gender.
uab.cat/en/social-psychology@companyThe Epi4heath research group focuses its activity on the study of the physical and mental health of young people and other populations, from a community perspective and aware of the social determinants that affect the psychosocial well-being of different populations.
epi4health.com@companyThe Observatori has served as a key tool for monitoring and reporting LGTBI+ discrimination in Catalonia, operating as a civil society organisation with an associative perspective. The Observatori started from the need to report harassment and discrimination faced by LGBTI+ individuals, and has worked to visibilise and denounce this type of violence across the region, despite having limited legal means. As a result, this service has not only contributed to the fight against LGTBI+-phobia in Catalonia, but has also played a crucial role in raising awareness and advocating for the rights of the LGTBI+ community in the region.