About this call
You can also download this call in PDF here.
This call is for civil society representatives, young activists, researchers, education practitioners and policy-makers interested in presenting educational practices, research projects, or theoretical insights during the Proud Pupils conference. Presentations will be organised in thematic sessions lasting 90 minutes, including time for questions and discussion. Each presentation will be around 15 minutes.
Please read the full call for presentations below and submit your application through the application form by Sunday 23 March 2025 at 23:59 CET (extended deadline). Please also make sure to read the information about the conference before preparing your application.
Eligibility criteria
In order to apply to give a presentation, you need to comply with the following:
- Be 18 years old or above.
- Be either a civil society representative, a young activist, a researcher, an education practitioner, or a policy-maker.
- Present either concrete educational practices, research projects, and/or theoretical insights in one of the formats listed in further down this call.
- Base your presentation on one to three of the conference thematic streams:
- Addressing Bullying: Tackling violence and ensuring safer education systems for all
- Queering Curricula: Inclusive learning materials development and implementation on gender and sexuality
- Resourcing Health & Well-being: Practices to promote physical and mental health through education
- Trans Inclusion: Addressing gender identity and gender expression in schools
- Resisting Opposition: Tackling anti-rights and anti-gender discourse through education
- Teaching Practitioners: Skills building for school staff
- On the Field: Empowering youth and grassroots educational work
- Improving School Policies: Making school governance inclusive
- Queering the Educational Environment: Fostering inclusion in extracurricular activities, sports and non-formal education
- Present in either English or Spanish (your application can be in English or Spanish).
IGLYO has secured a limited amount of scholarships to participate in this Conference. If your presentation is selected, you will be eligible to apply for a scholarship. Please note that only presenters between 18 and 30 years old and based in a Council of Europe Member State, or in Russia, Belarus or Kosovo will be able to apply for a scholarship. You can find more information about scholarships on this page.
Advisory Committees & Selection process
The conference is Coordinated by an Advisory Committee that will assess all applications. The Advisory Committee is divided into two working groups: a research advisory committee, and a programmes advisory committee.
- Research Advisory Committee: This Committee is responsible for the evaluation of the applications for presentations submitted by researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. It is coordinated by IGLYO and the academics from the University Autonomous of Barcelona.
- Programmes Advisory Committee: This Committee is responsible for the evaluation of the applications for presentations submitted by civil society and youth representatives. It is coordinated by IGLYO.
Selected applicants will be informed via email in April.
Application process
In order to apply, please fill out this application form with your presentation proposal by Sunday 23 March 2025 at 23:59 CET (extended deadline). You do not need to create a document with your proposal, you can simply fill in the fields in the form. We will not accept email applications.
This is the information required for your presentation proposal in the application form:
1. Title of the presentation (150 characters maximum)
2. Format of your contribution:
- Presentation: If you submit a proposal for a presentation, the Conference Committee will assign you to a session where you will share your contribution with other speakers. Sessions will be assigned based on the streams you selected.
- Panel with several speakers: You can submit a proposal for a panel with already pre-selected speakers on the same topic. In your abstract, explain how each speaker will contribute to the moderated discussion.
- Workshop: You can submit a proposal for an interactive session designed to engage participants in hands-on activities, discussions, artistic explorations or skill-building exercises.
- Poster: You can design a poster to display your research or participation methodology. We will organise two sessions for poster presentations, where participants will be able to share their ideas with other participants.
3. A three-part abstract following the suggested outline below.
This outline is meant to support your submission. We do not expect all abstracts to reply to all these questions, but we hope the structure helps organising your presentation:
A. Rationale / Objectives / Outcome(s) (max 150 words)
- Clearly articulate the significance of LGBTQI inclusive education within the context of international education, highlighting challenges, gaps, or social imperatives.
- Specify the aims of the research or project, such as promoting equality, addressing disparities, or fostering safe learning environments for LGBTQI students.
- Indicate the intended contributions, such as improved understanding, practical tools, or evidence-based policy recommendations for inclusive education practices.
- Justify how your presentation is linked to the selected stream.
B. Methodology / Approach / Design (max 150 words)
- Outline the programme or research design and justify its suitability for studying LGBTQI inclusive education.
- If applicable, describe the data collection methods (e.g., surveys, interviews, focus groups) and the participants (e.g., educators, students, policymakers).
- Highlight ethical considerations, particularly regarding sensitivity, anonymity, and respect for participants' identities and experiences.
- Discuss the theoretical framework or approach underpinning the programme or study, such as intersectionality or critical pedagogy.
C. Results / Key Findings / Implications (max 150 words)
- Summarise key findings, such as trends, challenges, or successes in implementing LGBTQI inclusive education practices.
- Highlight implications for educational policy, teacher training, curriculum development, or student well-being.
- Discuss how the findings contribute to existing literature or address knowledge gaps in LGBTQI education research.
Questions & Contact
If you have any questions about the call for presentations, the content, the programme or partnering, please contact IGLYO's Deputy Executive Director and Policy & Research Manager Rú Ávila Rodríguez (they/them) at ru@iglyo.org.
If you have any questions about scholarships, please contact our Programmes Manager Viola Bianchetti (She/her) at viola@iglyo.org.
Thank you, we look forward to your application!