Sunday 26 May is when all participants will travel to Budapest.
You can check-in to your room starting from 2:00 PM, but you can pass by the EYCB earlier than that to leave your luggage at the reception and either sit in the common areas of the EYCB or go to the city.
At the registration, you don't have to present yourself with your legal name, you can use the name you provided at the application stage.
Dinner is served in the canteen of the EYCB.
For those who arrive to the airport after 7PM, the dinner will be placed in the fridge and you can heat it in the microwave upon arrival.
📍 Location: Ground floor, Canteen
Breakfast will be served every morning in the canteen of the EYCB from 7:30 AM.
📍 Location: Ground floor, Canteen
Get together to revive yourself and prepare for the day ahead!
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 15 minutes of interactive exercises in a plenary setting. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
The Welcome Plenary will be dedicated to introducing the EYCB Director and presenting the programme, aims and objectives of the Study Session. Moreover, to ensure an inclusive, safe and respectful space throughout the Study Session, we will get familiar with the Code of Conduct and we will establish ground rules. Last but not least, you will be introduced to the Accessibility Team, and we will get to know each other's accessibility needs to make sure everyone feels safe, included and valued.
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 55 minutes of presentation and around 35 minutes of interactive exercises in a plenary setting. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
The coffee break is served in the hall outside of B/C.
Please note that the EYCB offers only drinks during coffee breaks. Bring your own sweet and savoury snacks from your country or region to share with other participants!
📍 Location: 5th floor, Hall
During this session, we will be getting to know each other to promote team work and collaboration during the Study Session. We will be exploring fears and expectations, and we will be playing some games to get familiar with each other. Lastly, we will go through the reimbursement procedure.
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 15 minutes of presentation and around 75 minutes of interactive exercises in a plenary setting as well as in teams of 2 and 5 participants. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
Lunch is served in the canteen of the EYCB.
📍 Location: Ground floor, Canteen
This session sets the stage for understanding the unique dynamics and obstacles LGBTQI youth living in rural areas face. This session serves as a foundational exploration of common, key concepts and issues, laying the groundwork for informed advocacy and action throughout the Study Session and beyond.
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 10 minutes of presentation and around 80 minutes of interactive exercises in a plenary setting. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
The coffee break is served in the hall outside of B/C.
Please note that the EYCB offers only drinks during coffee breaks. Bring your own sweet and savoury snacks from your country or region to share with other participants!
📍 Location: 4th floor, Hall
This session builds upon the foundational exploration of rural LGBTQI youth issues analysed in the previous session. It aims at recognising the importance of personal narratives in understanding the complexities of rural life for LGBTQI young individuals, providing a platform for participants to share their lived experiences and perspectives.
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 45 minutes of interactive exercises in a plenary setting and around 45 minutes of group work in teams of 5 participants. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
During this optional session, we will be reflecting on the learnings of the day spent together.
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 30 minutes of reflection exercises in teams of 6 participants. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
Dinner is served in the canteen of the EYCB.
📍 Location: Ground floor, Canteen
We will put at your disposal some board games and you will be free to play and relax with other participants!
📍 Location: -1st floor, Club Room
Breakfast will be served every morning in the canteen from 7:30 AM.
Keep in mind that the Study Session starts at 9:15 AM!
📍 Location: Ground floor, Canteen
Get together to revive yourself and prepare for the day ahead!
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 15 minutes of interactive exercises in a plenary setting. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
In this session, you will be learning to apply a rights-based approach to map local services for LGBTQI youth in rural areas. You will be exploring duty bearers, rights holders, and you will be using a power/interest grid to map actors.
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 15 minutes of presentation, around 10 minutes of interactive exercises in a plenary setting, around 55 minutes of group work in teams of 4-6 participants, and around 10 minutes of individual work. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
The coffee break is served in the hall outside of B/C.
Please note that the EYCB offers only drinks during coffee breaks. Bring your own sweet and savoury snacks from your country or region to share with other participants!
📍 Location: 4th floor, Hall
This session bridges mapping local services and sharing best practices. You will be reflecting on past strategies and peer experiences to support rural LGBTQI youth groups.
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 90 minutes of group work in teams of 2-4 participants. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
Lunch is served in the canteen of the EYCB.
📍 Location: Ground floor, Canteen
This session provides a dynamic space for young LGBTQI activists to connect, share experiences, and foster collaborations. Through meaningful interactions, you will be building a supportive network, amplifying your impact and driving positive change within your community.
IMPORTANT: in this session, you will have the chance (if you want) to present your work and/or the work of your organisation in relation to the inclusion and empowerment of LGBTQI rural youth. Your presentation should last for around 15 minutes. You can already think about which good practices you would like to share, and prepare your presentation in advance (no slides needed).
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 90 minutes of interactive exercises in a plenary setting. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
The coffee break is served in the hall outside of B/C.
Please note that the EYCB offers only drinks during coffee breaks. Bring your own sweet and savoury snacks from your country or region to share with other participants!
📍 Location: 4th floor, Hall
In this interactive session, you will be stepping into the roles of "actors" in a forum theatre setting. You will be performing scripted scenarios depicting relevant issues faced by LGBTQI rural youth. You will be engaging as "spect-actors" intervening at any point to propose solutions and overcome obstacles. Through this dynamic process, you will be collaboratively exploring real challenges and coming up with creative strategies for effective problem-solving within your community.
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 90 minutes of interactive exercises in a plenary setting. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
During this optional session, we will be reflecting on the learnings of the day spent together.
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 30 minutes of reflection exercises in teams of 6 participants. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
Dinner is served in the canteen of the EYCB.
📍 Location: Ground floor, Canteen
"Hot Men Cold Dictatorships" (2015)
A feature length documentary directed by a lesbian director dealing with the personal dramas of gay men living in communist Hungary. "Hot Men Cold Dictatorships" is the first documentary produced in Hungary that deals with the generations of older and younger gay men. We feel that it is important to preserve these life stories now while we have the opportunity to interview the older members of our community. It is also exciting how the young generation, who appear in the film as the investigators, discuss what they hear through their personal experiences and via interpreting social conventions.
📍 Location: -1st floor, Club Room
Breakfast will be served every morning in the canteen from 7:30 AM.
Keep in mind that the Study Session starts at 09:15 AM!
📍 Location: Ground floor, Canteen
Get together to revive yourself and prepare for the day ahead!
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 15 minutes of interactive exercises in a plenary setting. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
This session on Digital Tools aims to equip you with the knowledge and skills to leverage technology for effective advocacy and outreach, particularly focusing on the unique challenges faced by LGBTQI youth in rural areas.
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 50 minutes of presentation and around 40 minutes of interactive exercises in a plenary setting. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
The coffee break is served in the hall outside of B/C.
Please note that the EYCB offers only drinks during coffee breaks. Bring your own sweet and savoury snacks from your country or region to share with other participants!
📍 Location: 4th floor, Hall
In this session, you will be delving into the significance of community building and solidarity among LGBTQI rural youth. Through interactive discussions and activities, you will be exploring strategies for decentralising LGBTQI activism, focusing on community organising and community building in rural areas.
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 40 minutes of interactive exercises in a plenary setting and around 50 minutes of group work in teams of 5 participants. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
Lunch is served in the canteen of the EYCB.
📍 Location: Ground floor, Canteen
During your free afternoon and evening, you can relax and explore the city. We will send you a list of recommendations of things to do.
For dinner, you'll receive cash to use at a restaurant of your choice. We will also share a list of recommended restaurants in the WhatsApp group!
Breakfast will be served every morning in the canteen from 7:30 AM.
Keep in mind that the Study Session starts at 9:15 AM!
📍 Location: Ground floor, Canteen
Get together to revive yourself and prepare for the day ahead!
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 15 minutes of interactive exercises in a plenary setting. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
In this session, you will be learning advocacy techniques to advance the rights of queer youth in rural areas. Through interactive discussions, you will be gaining a comprehensive understanding of advocacy and exploring examples of successful local-level advocacy initiatives. By sharing best practices and learning how to effect change at the grassroots level, you will be equipped with skills to amplify the voices of LGBTQI rural youth and drive meaningful change in your community.
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 40 minutes of presentation, around 25 minutes of interactive exercises in a plenary setting, and around 25 minutes of group work in teams of 6 participants. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
The coffee break is served in the hall outside of B/C.
Please note that the EYCB offers only drinks during coffee breaks. Bring your own sweet and savoury snacks from your country or region to share with other participants!
📍 Location: 4th floor, Hall
Following an exploration of advocacy possibilities at national and local levels, this session focuses on applying CoE (Council of Europe) recommendations within local contexts. You will be learning to adapt existing policy frameworks to your own realities and you will be guided on effectively advocating at the national level.
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 30 minutes of presentation, around 10 minutes of interactive exercises in a plenary setting, and around 50 minutes of group work in teams of 3 participants. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
Lunch is served in the canteen of the EYCB.
📍 Location: Ground floor, Canteen
In this session, you will be collaborating to develop a set of recommendations for IGLYO, youth organisations, local service providers, and the CoE. Building upon knowledge acquired in the previous sessions and by doing additional research, you will be identifying key issues, defining goals and objectives, and identifying relevant stakeholders.
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 90 minutes group work in teams of 3-6 participants. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
The coffee break is served in the hall outside of B/C.
Please note that the EYCB offers only drinks during coffee breaks. Bring your own sweet and savoury snacks from your country or region to share with other participants!
📍 Location: 4th floor, Hall
In this session, you will be collaborating to develop a set of recommendations for IGLYO, youth organisations, local service providers, and the CoE. Building upon knowledge acquired in the previous sessions and by doing additional research, you will be identifying key issues, defining goals and objectives, and identifying relevant stakeholders.
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 60 minutes of interactive exercises in a plenary setting, and around 30 minutes group work in teams of 3-6 participants. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
During this optional session, we will be reflecting on the learnings of the day spent together.
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 30 minutes of reflection exercises in teams of 6 participants. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
Dinner is served in the canteen of the EYCB.
📍 Location: Ground floor, Canteen
Breakfast will be served every morning in the canteen from 7:30 AM.
Remember the Study Session starts at 9:15 AM!
📍 Location: Ground floor, Canteen
Get together to revive yourself and prepare for the day ahead!
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 15 minutes of interactive exercises in a plenary setting. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
Building upon feedback received and utilising provided templates, in this session you will be refining and polishing your recommendations. You will then present the results of your policy recommendations, engaging in reflective discussion to consolidate your learning from the process.
📍 Location: 4th floor, B/C Seminar Room
This session will include around 40 minutes of interactive exercises in a plenary setting, and around 50 minutes of group work in teams of 3-6 participants. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
The coffee break is served in the hall outside of B/C.
Please note that the EYCB offers only drinks during coffee breaks. Bring your own sweet and savoury snacks from your country or region to share with other participants!
📍 Location: 4th floor, Hall
In this first session, you will be getting the chance to practice what you have learned during the week and create an action plan tailored to the realities of the community you work with or that you are trying to reach.
📍 Location: 4th floor, Hall
This session will include around 15 minutes of interactive exercises in a plenary setting, and around 75 minutes of group work in teams of 5 participants. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
Lunch is served in the canteen of the EYCB.
📍 Location: Ground floor, Canteen
In the previous session you started developing your action plans. In this session, we will be focusing on finalising them, getting the chance to receive feedback. The aim is to design realistic and sustainable initiatives you can implement in the future.
📍 Location: 4th floor, Hall
This session will include around 70 minutes of interactive exercises in a plenary setting, and around 20 minutes of group work in teams of 5 participants. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
The coffee break is served in the hall outside of B/C.
Please note that the EYCB offers only drinks during coffee breaks. Bring your own sweet and savoury snacks from your country or region to share with other participants!
📍 Location: 4th floor, Hall
This session concludes the programme of the Study Session. Here, you will be sharing your experience in the Study Session, while reflecting on important and special moments and while bringing symbolic closure.
📍 Location: 4th floor, Hall
This session will include around 90 minutes of interactive exercises in a plenary setting. This is an estimate and can vary depending on the needs of the group and to the progress of the Study Session.
Dinner is served in the canteen of the EYCB.
📍 Location: Ground floor, Canteen
It's time to close out our gathering with a bang! Join us for a fun-filled evening of karaoke, singing, and saying goodbye. Get ready to grab the mic, belt out your favorite tunes, and make final memories with your fellow participants. It's a night to let loose and celebrate the connections we've made. See you there!
📍 Location: -1st floor, Club Room
Breakfast will be served,in the canteen of the EYCB from 7:30 AM.
If you depart from the EYCB before the opening of the restaurant in the morning, you can pick up a packed breakfast at the dinner before departure day.
📍 Location: Ground floor, Canteen
Please make sure to check-out from your room by 9:30 AM. If you depart later, you can leave your luggage at the reception and either sit in the common areas of the EYCB or go to the city.